Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Our Debt Consolidation Alternative Can Relieve You From Debt

Credit card debt alone, now to the tune of $1.5 trillion, encompasses 65% of the rising $2.4-trillion consumer debt epidemic. If you’re one of the 144 million Americans who are afflicted by credit card debt and happen to encounter a financial hardship, it’s likely that you’ll seek the debt consolidation help of a credit counseling debt management plan (DMP). Regrettably, the statistics warn that debt consolidation frequently delivers insufficient relief to 75 percent of all Americans that are only three paychecks away from bankruptcy.

According to a Consumer Reports survey based on the article, “Pushed off the Financial Cliff”, debt consolidation debt management plans through consumer credit counseling (CCC) agencies have an abysmal dropout rate. The high dropout rate, which is reported at 79%, confirms that debt consolidation barely scratched the surface in resolving the financial hardships of many of these dropouts.

Opposite, debt consolidation, our negotiators can negotiate down both a debt’s interest and principal balance.

Compared to a debt consolidation debt management plan, which takes 4-6 years to complete and causes you to repay 1½ to two times the value of you debt, we can literally slash your debt in half, allowing you to be debt-free in 36 months or less time.

Also check out our "Debt Settlement Blog" at http://debtfreeleague1.wordpress.com/

Debt Free League



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